Cegah Kanser Servik Melalui Pelalian HPV – Prevent Cervical Cancer with HPV Immunisation. The Cervical Cancer that occurs in the woman’s womb (cervix).
Third most frequently detected cancer in women after breast cancer and colorectal cancers. Estimated 1,500 women in this country confirmed have cervical cancer each year. Cervical cancer accounted for 6% of the total cancer deaths among women.
HPV (Human Papilloma Virus) is the major cause of cervical cancer. Every woman is at risk of HPV infections after marriage. Therefore the Ministry of Health is running a campaign to protect the risk of this cancer to 13 years old school girls with HPV vaccination.
What is the HPV vaccination? HPV vaccination is an immunisation given to prevent cervical cancer due to HPV infection.
At present the Ministry of Health, Malaysia only provides free immunisation to all 13 years old girls. The free vaccination will be given in their schools, if your girls do not go to school, get it in government’s health clinics.
More info: myhealth.gov.my/myhealth/01vaksin0102vaccine02
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