Web builder

Free Designer Tools Online – Website Builder

Free Designer Tools Online - Web builder

Free Designer Tools Online:

11 Free Website Builder

Free Website Builders will be our featured topic for the Free Designer Tools Online. Website Builder is the easiest, hassle free ways in building professional looking website. Website Builder usually is an online tool, so consider you will do the job with internet connection. Created for non special skill persons to get modern website in a few minutes with the principle of What You See Is What You Get – WYSIWYG web builder that features standard drag & drop method with the latest html5 editor allowing (non coding) designers or even anybody to develop a website. No programming, html, coding, or Photoshop needed.

Fetured here are some of the top free website builders based on the these criteria;

templates design available
drag & drop
responsive or apps supported
SEO friendly
no trial limitation

So what you can do with this Website Builder as one of free designer tools online..? Well, you can start your own professional looking website, or..

  • add a new web design services for your clients, or
  • start an online store for your clients, or
  • create your own online store to sell your artworks / products online, or
  • make your own designs portfolio website in just a few minutes..

or perhaps this will be your startup for your new skills or knowledge as graphic or visual designer into website development, start to ‘read & write’ <coding>. What else, you will need your brand.. a domain name.

1. WIX


  • 500MB storage
  • 1GB bandwidth
  • fully customise from designer’s template
  • built-in Google Analytics
  • free hosting

2. Website Builder

Website Builder

  • 50MB storage
  • free email
  • 10,000 templates
  • image library
  • eCommerce

3. Im Creator


  • 50MB storage
  • own domain supported
  • eCommerce
  • no Ads

4. Site Builder

Site Builder

  • free domain
  • free email
  • 10,000 templates
  • eCommerce

5. Weebly


  • 500MB storage
  • sub domain name
  • no limitation hosting
  • unlimited pages
  • basic online store (with 3% transaction fee)

6. Sitey


  • 50MB storage
  • 5MB file upload
  • 1GB bandwidth
  • free hosting
  • 100+ professional templates
  • image library

Related article: E Commerce Systems Comparison


7. Jimdo


  • 500MB storage
  • password protected area
  • online store (no transaction fee), 5 items max
  • iOS & Android apps

8. WebStarts


  • 5 page max
  • 1GB cloud storage
  • 1GB bandwidth

9. Webnode


  • 1GB bandwidth
  • 100MB for personal website
  • 10MB for online store
  • own domain name supported
  • statistic & widgets supported
  • no ads

10. Yola


  • 1GB storage
  • 1GB bandwidth
  • 3 pages

11. WordPress.com


  • 3GB storage
  • unlimited bandwidth
  • unlimited pages
  • designed for static website & blog system
  • themes (but limited)
  • statistics

update june 2017

We are glad to add here a good review made by one of our new online friend – Best Website Builders Reviewed

You may find some more info with focused on affordable price offered for website builder on onblastblog. They also provide clean & nice infographic about Top Website Builder for easy reading and comparison you may take a look.. click on the image above. Thanks to Matt Banner for the great review.

There’re actually a lot more website builders out there, you will find many or new names and new features, but generally they offer the same functions and besides free version, they also provide paid services as well. So as free version, you cannot expect more, just compare which offer the best that suit your needs, ask your self for what purpose you wanna use it. If you getting familiar with it, then later you can start invest with the paid service and add it inline with your design services to diversify your business.

Designer’s Games & Designer’s eBooks

Looking for some good resources for sharing with you guys, here we found some interesting designer’s games & designer’s ebooks you can download for free. The designer’s games created to challenge or to test our design skills and to know our limits in specific skills, try it out. Also we share below are some more free designer’s ebooks collections, as add on of some free designer’s ebooks that we had shared previously..


Games for Designers

Here are some designers games collection created by designers for designers just to test our skills on colors, illustrations, etc.

Eye Test

Eye Test Color

Eye Test is to test your color vision limits and see how far can you go. Mine is 35 points with robot level, and it says ‘Your color vision and survival skills are incredible. You can recognize a mosquito from miles away’.. lol ☺


The Bezier Game

The Bezier Game

The Bezier Game is a Pen Tool illustration test game. The game teach us how to minimize the use of anchor points and how to draw curve lines perfectly in a drawing. If you wanna be expert in using Pen Tool especially for drawing using Illustrator, try the game to learn how the expert use the Pen Tool professionally..




Shape is an another creative app (game) in sharpening Pen Tool skills for designers in using Illustrator or any vector graphic apps. Shape is created specifically for perfecting letter’s shape, in other words, if you have to trace back some letters in your design works (in case of you couldn’t find the right fonts), then this game might helps you to draw as perfect letters as possible. Tips – use Shift (keyboard) to maintain vertical or horizontal axis while drag..

There are many more creative games for designers you can look at Games for Designers.


EBook for Designers

Here are some more designers eBook collections free to download.

Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign – Help & Tutorials

Photoshop CC free eBook here is an official Photoshop help & tutorials by Adobe in PDF format. This CC version contained more than 800 pages. You can also find previous versions of Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign eBook below.

Download Photoshop CC Help | Previous Photoshop version

Download Illustrator CC Help | Previous Illustrator version

Download InDesign CC Help | Previous InDesign version

Pixel Perfect Precision – Photoshop and Digital Design

Download Pixel Perfect Precision

Dreamweaver CC Basics

Dreamweaver is one of the most popular web building using WYSIWYG editor for developing fundamental website to high end. Originally created by Macromedia then was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. Thanks to Adobe for continuing the development of this great app, and here is the free eBook of Dreamweaver CC for Basics.

Download Dreamweaver CC Basics

Acrobat X Pro & Acrobat XI Pro

One of the useful publishing tool from Adobe, besides Illustrator, Photoshop & InDesign is Adobe Acrobat. The newest version for desktop is Acrobat XI (ver. 11) for desktop version, but the latest version is newly introduce – Acrobat DC. Anyway here are the eBook of Acrobat X & Acrobat XI.

Download Adobe Acrobat X  |  Download Adobe Acrobat XI

Open Source Vector Editor

Method Draw is an open source online vector graphic editor. A very basic vector tool that support SVG files and also can save your drawing to PNG format.

If you have any interesting related designs, vector, etc. to share with us, we are happy to see and try it, please share it ;)

World Cup 2014 Jersey Vector

World Cup 2014 Vector Logo, Mascot, Teams Jersey


World Cup is back again after last season in South Africa, and for this year, Brasil 2014, we’re looking for the (designs of) free download of the World Cup 2014 Vector Logo, Mascot, Teams Jersey and Official Ball name Brazuca.

World Cup 2014 Teams Jersey

World Cup 2014 Jersey Vector
WorldCup 2014 Jersey Vector

These are one of the 32 Teams Jersey designs set in vector format available for free download, made by KevLag, student from France.

  • Download from Source: Dribbble
  • Format: SVG (32 files)

Adidas Brazuca Ball

The official World Cup 2014 ball is Adidas Brazuka. The name was selected by public vote organised by local committee of Brasil and Adidas in 2012.

“The informal term ‘brazuca’ is used by Brazilians to describe national pride in the Brazilian way of life.” – FIFA

An artist illustration of Brazuka ball.

FIFA World Cup Poster Designs

This year we can see FIFA showing almost all of the World Cup Poster designs since 1930 before the first World War I.

[metaslider id=587]

Note: 1942 – 1946 not available, we stuck in World War II.

  • Via: FIFA World Cup Timeline


Credit to: FIFA – owner of the World Cup and all of their registered and trademark properties.
Note: All FIFA images and file download links which are the property of FIFA was removed.

low poly mask template

Free Vector, Font Editor, Box Template & Mask

Latest additions in vector related designs that catch our attention these few days and some from previous year are a few quite simple, useful and free design tools from online vector editor, animated SVG icons, font editor for newbie font designer, detect web font tool, print design freebies, box template and low poly mask.



SVG editor

This is another open source simple SVG vector editor, as an addition to our previously posted Vector Graphic Editor lists.

  • open SVG (only) files from URL & pc
  • connect to Dropbox
  • download as SVG & PNG

Animated SVG Icons

SVG icons animated

The future of vector embedded in a webpage or apps are SVG, and this is some cool examples available out there.

  • for web & apps developer
  • CSS animated





Font editor to design fonts

This is a HTML5 based font editor (or font designer), if you’re looking for free and wanna try to create some self made font.

  • modern browser (HTML5)
  • font converter to Open Type Font

What Font Tool

Detect font in web page

Sometimes we see many interesting fonts or typeface been used in a webpage, but not really know the font’s name.. so this is the perfect tools to detect.

  • for web dev. & print design
  • browser plugin – Chrome & Safari extension


Print Design

Template Maker

Box template

There are many websites offering verity of box template designs, but most of them did not provide the vector ‘die-cut shape template’ as it supposed to, they just give jpeg image instead which are not designer friendly. So here you’ll get box templates with die-cut shapes that might be useful for you projects. Simply choose a template, customize the measurement, create and ready to download.

  • for print design or DIY hobby
  • customize & download
  • download as PDF / SVG, open with Adobe Illustrator (or any vector editor) to edit.

Low Poly Mask

low poly mask template

Well this is not new but still pretty cool Low Polygon shape Mask where you can download the template, design (color it) yourself, print and wear.. and continue your work with the mask on

  • download options – PNG, 3ds, pdo, obj files

Vectorise Analytics of 2013

Vectorise Analytic 2013

Our 1 year analytics of 2013 for vectorise logo & vectorise forum with top 10 downloads and top referrals (inbound links) summarise.

Vectorise Logo

[table id=2 /]

[table id=3 /]

Vectorise Forum

[table id=4 /]


2013 – 2014 Vector, Logo, Design, Trending & Highlights

Pixler Express logo

We look back on whats trending along this year of 2013 in our scope of vector graphic topics including logo design, vector SVG, color, best mobile apps of the year and some internet trending news.

1. Logo Design

We can say that logo design trending in 2013 is more on Redesign of existing logo, such as Yahoo! logo that being criticized. Meanwhile a lot of big names have successfully transformed their new logo being better, in redesign term. The most influenced trend is flat design and minimalist style of logo design. You might like to see 2013 Logo Design Trends by Logo Lounge. Anyway here is an example of 2014 logo design that will make next year as football fever once again, can’t wait for samba..? (whenever you enter 2014 logo as keyword, Google will come up with this ↓ image more than any other).

FIFA World Cup Brasil 2014 | via Wiki WC2014


2. Vector

Vector graphic demands are rising on the net, either for logos, illustrations, icons, charts, etc. We can also see some vector graphics site grows over the years. Be it providing and sharing vector freebies or offering vector services. One of the most popular sharing of vector freebies in 2013 are Flat Icons. We can see variety of flat icons’ style being shared freely from many top designers community sites, such as behance, deviantart, dribbble, and many personal sites as well.

Flat Icons vector
Flat icons Hexagon | via deviantart


3. SVG

Scalable Vector Graphic or SVG getting better support and we will see latest upgrade to SVG 2 which will be better integration into HTML & CSS. What was that means..? In simple words, vector graphic will be everywhere sooner or later, on any devices, don’t worry if you don’t have the right app to open vector file (in the future).

Animated SVG image (this is not gif) | via Oak.is

4. Color of The Year 2014

For this coming 2014, Pantone as usual, was named Radiant Orchid as Color of The Year for 2014. A year before they named ‘Emerald’ as Color of 2013.

Pantone Color of The Year 2014


5. Mobile & Apps

We can see more (and hopefully better) designer’s apps available in App Store and PlayStore, oh yes we would like to see in Win8 Store as well. Anyway, what is The Best App of 2013..? Google Play Store had named 11 Best Apps of 2013, and here – Pixlr Express by Autodesk, is one of them.


6. Internet & Social Media Dilemma

The rise of mobile tech and devices had made social activities change the life style of many of us, whether we realize it or not. In fact, in some country, the authority had made some rules to prevent their people being ‘stuck on gadget’ 24/7. People might blames on social media attractions, but to be frank, social media is just a new kind of tool to communicate. We need to be careful on how we deal with it, not to be too dependent on it.. its not a big deal anyway.

In the middle of this year people around the globe being blast by shocking news of the information security related issue. NSA has ‘direct access’ to the servers of Google, Facebook and others. Using a program named #PRISM they spy on us, collecting our personal infos especially on our media social accounts. There came the most popular name in 2013, Edward Snowden (compared to Obama).

They collect 2 kind of data, Metadata & Content – The Verge


7. Vectorise Turn 7

Last but not least, we at vectorise will turn 7 years old this coming 2014, March to be exact.. thanks for all your supports, we will continue our efforts in providing vector logo, vectorise services and helping you in our forum. If you have something good to share, or any idea do contact us and let us know.. happy hohoholiday & happy new year

ECommerce Systems Comparison

ECommerce Systems Comparison

This Infographic explained the differences among top 3 ECommerce Platforms for you to decide. So you might choose the right one for your Ecommerce or Shopping Cart website. Either it PrestaShop, Magento or OpenCart, lets see..

PrestaShop vs Magento vs OpenCart

PrestaShop vs Magento vs OpenCart

via www.webnethosting.net

Bing New Logo

The Internet Giants Rebranding

After Yahoo! streamlining its latest logo through their campaign of ’30 logos of 30 days‘, the rebranding race among Internet giant became more apparent when Google seems to change their current logo. This make sense when Google recently completes the series of their products’ rebranding with the new logo design, which looks more clean and flat. If (the rumors are true), the Google logo will be the same design – clean and flat style without embossed and shadow, it’s only an updated version of Google logo as expected. Now the latest news, Bing a search engine which belongs to Microsoft, is also on the race track introducing its new logo design of Bing, yes with logo.

Yahoo! Logo

The New Yahoo! Logo

This new logo design chosen, has been one of the most criticized logo design by many in the design world on the internet and I do not want to add some more.

The Old Yahoo! Logo


Google logo

We still waiting this new version will take place officially.. and hopefully ; )

New Google Logo

Current Google Logo

In brief, the word Google came from ‘Googol‘ which means very large number, to be exact, 1 (one) with hundred 0 (zero).. can you imagine that.. obviously it’s about data.

old Google logos

The first Google logo looks like candy, and even the brand seems not professional at first, they managed to grow huge and most of us ♥ them. You might also like to enjoy official Google Doodles collections since 1998 here.

Bing logo

While many of us still waiting the new refreshed Google logo take place, Bing introduced their new Logo Design on their blog yesterday. But seems not yet officially launch on the Bing site.

The New Bing Logo
New Bing Logo

Microsoft preferred to based on grid system in creating the interface or designs as we can see in their new Windows 8 Metro style, also with their latest Microsoft logo – with the square windows.

Honestly what I see at a first glance of the new Bing logo, I thought of Google Drive.. ok forget it :)

Bing logo
Current Bing Logo (assume the black is transparent)

What was being criticized on Bing since their first appearance some time in 2009 is not the design, but the name itself and the ability of its new search engine. Can they being on par with Google and Yahoo!? According to cnet Bing is now drop to no. 5 in Search Engine ranking.

If Bing add ‘oo’ to its name = Bingoo, it would be someting (as Yahoo! & Google).. just saying ;)

What next, we’ve also seen some social medias redesign their new logos, some new features, but the race I’m talking here is about whose gonna make on top of the ranking to ‘break the record’ or at least would be the favorite for the majority of us.


www.bing.com/blogs | creativerepository.com |  en.wikipedia.org | news.cnet.com

Brand Guideline

The Brand Guideline which are normally produced by the company itself or their appointed agency, explains on how to show or labels their brand’s mark – the logo, typeface, tagline and their color schemes in a proper way according to their corporate standard. Usually the Brand Guidelines explains their brand’s logo in brief with some important specifications for users to follow:

    • The logo sets are normally provided with soft-copy in full colors, 1 color, positive & negative (inverted color)



    • The fonts used are normally supplied and shown as sample


    • The arrangement of the logo, position, circumference margins & the proportionate


  • The Do’s & Don’ts on how to apply it

We will see here some of the internet social media brands since many of us using these brands in exposing our contact labels that we might use to show on our site or printed materials, if any..

Google +

Google plus is actively updating their social media lately to cope up among top 3 social networks on the net. They also do provide sign-in features via G+

The Guideline:

The arrangement, the color, font used & size, padding are clearly shown here.

The Do’s & Don’ts

The use of other logo than Google plus logo is not wise. People or your visitors will confused on the wrong logo being used.

See Google + Branding Guidelines



Recently Twitter update their new logo design replacing the old bird. As one of the top influence social networks on the net especially in feeding live news all around the globe. It was said the Arab Spring is the ‘twitter revolution’.. Anyway, here are their brand guidelines.

The Do’s & Don’ts

modifying the original logo always being a bad attitude..

keep on update with the latest logo..

The Use

how about you wearing @yourname or #yourtag on your Tee Shirt design and get free followers ;)

See more Twitter Logo & Brand Display Policy



As the most used social media for individuals or products, you might find out how ‘to branding’ your contact with the f label..

Check out Using Facebook Brand Assets


There are many top performers born via YouTube.. oh yeah the Gangnam (should we say more?). Anyway if you’re promoting your own musics videos offline, read their Brand Guidelines, you can download the official YouTube vector files in ai, eps, pdf format for your project there.

So these are the standard practice on how to use registered trade mark logo or brands in our project, adverts, etc. Normally your clients will provide you with their official Brand Assets to be use, just make sure they provide it.. unless you’re the designer of their assets.