The Brand Guideline which are normally produced by the company itself or their appointed agency, explains on how to show or labels their brand’s mark – the logo, typeface, tagline and their color schemes in a proper way according to their corporate standard. Usually the Brand Guidelines explains their brand’s logo in brief with some important specifications for users to follow:
- The logo sets are normally provided with soft-copy in full colors, 1 color, positive & negative (inverted color)
- The fonts used are normally supplied and shown as sample
- The arrangement of the logo, position, circumference margins & the proportionate
- The Do’s & Don’ts on how to apply it
We will see here some of the internet social media brands since many of us using these brands in exposing our contact labels that we might use to show on our site or printed materials, if any..
Google +
Google plus is actively updating their social media lately to cope up among top 3 social networks on the net. They also do provide sign-in features via G+
The Guideline:
The arrangement, the color, font used & size, padding are clearly shown here.
The Do’s & Don’ts
The use of other logo than Google plus logo is not wise. People or your visitors will confused on the wrong logo being used.
See Google + Branding Guidelines

Recently Twitter update their new logo design replacing the old bird. As one of the top influence social networks on the net especially in feeding live news all around the globe. It was said the Arab Spring is the ‘twitter revolution’.. Anyway, here are their brand guidelines.
The Do’s & Don’ts

modifying the original logo always being a bad attitude..

keep on update with the latest logo..
The Use

how about you wearing @yourname or #yourtag on your Tee Shirt design and get free followers ;)
See more Twitter Logo & Brand Display Policy
As the most used social media for individuals or products, you might find out how ‘to branding’ your contact with the f label..
Check out Using Facebook Brand Assets
There are many top performers born via YouTube.. oh yeah the Gangnam (should we say more?). Anyway if you’re promoting your own musics videos offline, read their Brand Guidelines, you can download the official YouTube vector files in ai, eps, pdf format for your project there.
So these are the standard practice on how to use registered trade mark logo or brands in our project, adverts, etc. Normally your clients will provide you with their official Brand Assets to be use, just make sure they provide it.. unless you’re the designer of their assets.

A designer, illustrator, blogger and founder of Vectorise. Have been worked as an interior designer and currently enjoying visual design activities & involved in printing industry. Besides being permanent vectorise logo contributor, he also has passion in blogging about designs related, technology enthusiast, likes to try and review graphic apps, sharing freebies, etc.